Update v0.324 (2022-03-26)

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Update v0.324 (2022-03-26)

Post by achim » Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:45 pm

- [Major Feature Added] copy & cut selection from current layer [Ctr] + [C] or all merged layers [Ctr] + [Shift] + [C].
- [Added] a previw to all image load file dialogs.
- [Added] illumination mode to the 3D previewspace: ILLUMINATED, UNLIT & CHANNEL (shows the same channel as the 2D workspace)
- [Added] a full screen mode. To toggle between fullscreen and windowed push [F11].
- [Added] reset to default buttons to the Filter & Bake windows
- [Changed] the material default settings in the baking window => height & emission are disabled by default now.
- [Updated] to GODOT version 3.4.4.
- [Optimized] the layer merging is now 12 % faster.
- [Disabled] the "Export Mesh" in the demo version.
- [Major Fixed] a bug, which gave wrong layer calculations of the color channels.
- [Fixed] a bug in the blur filter, that layer transparency could cause some black edges and was blended wrong.
- [Fixed] the bug that the controls was still active in the layer name line edit.
- [Fixed] a bug, that after canceling a file dialog the controls didn't work anymore.
- [Fixed] a bug with the collision detection in the 3D Previewspace.
- [Fixed] a bug with missing text of moving uv nodes in the history list.

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