- [Major Feature Added] LAYERS!!!!!!!!
- [Major Feature Added] "File Compression" -> In comparison with the old format, files are now much smaller. But loading take a bit longer.
- [Added] a new blending mode -> "AlphaBlend", which is the new default blending mode for the color channel. In opposite to normal, this mode doesn't replace the alpha transparency. To set the transparency change the blending mode to "Normal".
- [Added] a "Layer"-Panel with -> Add Layer, Duplicate Layer, Move Layer Up, Move Layer Down, Separate Layer, Combine Layer Downwards, Combine All Visible Layer.
- [Added] export options to export inverted roughness (smoothness for Unity users), metallicity & height.
- [Added] a "Repeat Export Textures" to the "File"-Menu to directly export the textures with the last settings.
- [Added] a button to the "Correction" filter to fast invert a channel.
- [Added] a slider to the "Correction" filter to adjust the HUE value.
- [Added] a "Layer"-Control panel on side of the materials settings to change the layer settings. Like name, color, channels blending etc.
- [Added] for filters with masks (Gradient, Noise, Ambient Occlusion) a button to export the mask to a new layer, with multiplication as default blending mode on the color channel.
- [Added] for baking a button to export the result into a new layer.
- [Added] the slider for the mesh and UV scale to the project settings. Removed the slider from the scene tab. If the mesh is to small for paint on, it will here be easier to find.
- [Changed] the file extension from "*.dat" to "*.ubpd" (Compressed). The old format is still supported for loading.
- [Changed] the filter window that not needed mask options get hided for the blur and correction filter.
- [Changed] wireframe, faces and islands bake generates now always a new layer.
- [Changed] the color picking function -> [RMB] samples the color from the layer, [RMB] + [Alt] samples the color from all layers blended together.
- [Changed] the filling bucket function -> [LMB] fills the current layer by sampling all layers together, [LMB] + [Alt] fills the current layer by sampling only the current layer.
- [Changed] the default emission drawing setting to disabled.
- [Fixed] a bug with the scrolling in the baking window and at the same time zooming out in the preview space.
- [Fixed] at selection mode, while clicking in a window over the preview space, the selection was changed.
- [Fixed] a bug with the layer blending modes.
- [Fixed] a bug with brush blending.
- [Fixed] a with asynchrone history panel.
- [Fixed] a bug in the drawing Undo\Redo system.
- [Known Bug] the brush preview is not correct always anymore. Will be fixed in future updates.
Because the road map has changed with this Layer-Update, there must be a following second part Update with performance optimisations and missing features.
So the next update plan looks as following:
- Channel display to 3d viewport \ unlit mode
- Layer performance optimisations
- Layer edit -> Cut, Copy, Past, Move, Rotate selection from layer
- Decals from selection
- Blur Tool
- Duplicate (Copy\Past) brush
- Slider redesign for more percission values from 0.0 - 1.0 or 0 - 255
- Default Value Buttons for Slider, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0